
Controlling access and welcoming visitors at either vehicular and pedestrian points of entry to your organization is important. You want to know who comes in and out – as well as make doing business with you a seamless experience for everyone involved.



We offer

  • Automatic playback of voice messages to welcome visitors
  • Integration of access readers and access control systems
  • Automatic CCTV/video activation
  • ADA-compliant intercom systems for people with mobility, visual or hearing impairments
  • Reception area intercom station models
  • Automatic call forwarding if the reception area is unattended
  • Perfect communication despite background noise such as traffic or construction
  • 24/7 customer support

The Care Security Systems Difference

When you rely on Care Security Systems, you can:

  • Demonstrate to your customers, business partners and employees that you are committed to their safety
  • Control your organization’s risk management exposure
  • Control the costs of improving your security systems

Find out how Care Security Systems intercom systems can make a difference for your business.

You can also find out about our video surveillance, biometrics and turnstiles.

“What made the Care Security Systems’ solution so successful was our ability to source the most appropriate products and technologies for the project – without having to rely on only one or two vendors. This vendor neutrality allows Care Security Systems to offer the most advanced solutions that meet budget requirements.”
Chief Executive Officer